After an alien race invades the Earth, war veteran Cole Maverick gains superhuman abilities and, alongside his Atlantian friend Nos Ferratu, his wife Angela, his son John, and his daughter Mae, becomes a protector of Earth. With genocidal aliens, powerful demi-demons, vengeful mortals and rogue AIs lurking around every galaxy, Cole will slowly uncover the secrets of an ancient prophecy predicting a war between two armies that will decide the ultimate destiny of the entire reality.
The Invaders Saga is a massive storyline originally created by me in 2009. Through the years, it has undergone several revisions and additions until it is what it is now. With two main installments, a short prequel, and two alternate timelines, the Saga is made to be a classic science fiction adventure tale for everyone! Coming soon as a comic and eventually a video game, it will feature a whopping 200 individual episodes with an expansive story, unique characters, and original settings.
After a stranger from another reality crashes on her world, 10-year-old Pibby narrowly escapes a dark fate and learns that all of existence is under attack by an evil entity. Teaming up with the immortal warrior Cole Maverick, timid sidekick Alloy Boy, and feline villainess Melira, Pibby must learn how to overcome her own demons and what it means to be a hero. But with her closest friend twisted by the entity, she must also find a way to destroy the evil befalling everyone, but it isn't what it seems...
Pibby: Singularity (formerly Project Singularity) is a Pibby fan-game I am currently working on. It is created to stay faithful to the original show's canon while introducing new ideas, characters, and realities.
Absent's 2023 Art Collage
All of the art that I've made throughout 2023! I made SO MUCH more art this year than in 2022: a grand total of FOURTY-TWO artworks compared to last year's nine!
2023 was a rough year for me, especially towards the end in the last couple months. But, despite that, I did quite a lot of artwork for this year, and this collage has (almost) all of the art I've made!
Thanks for sticking around, everyone! Here's to 2024!